

This is the first time I've ever written a blog. With me starting school this past year, and all the changes our family has made regaurding school, I thought this would be as good a time as any to get my feet wet. My intentions here, are simply to put my thoughts elsewhere. Maybe someone out there will benefit from reading my thoughts, maybe not. It really doesn't matter all that much to me.
My children are all at wonderful unique stages in their journeys.
My oldest is only 8. Alexa has an understanding that learning takes place in every and all formats. She has dreams for her future, and knows there will be some tough things to learn in order to make those dreams become a reality. She also knows that she doesn't have to stop dreaming...ever, but she can change her goals at any time.
My second is 7. Taylor loves being a kid. We've had some trials to overcome, but with each one-we grew closer. She is coming to love herself for the person God has created her to be. She too, has dreams for her future, although they can easily change from day to day...and she knows that's ok.
My third will be 5 in a week and a half. Allen is 100% boy, and couldn't be happier being that. Sure he allows his sisters to convince him to do some pretty un-boyish things(painted toes once). But that just shows his love for his sisters. He dreams of being a man someday, and explores what it is that "men" do. He also knows he's not limited to these menly jobs, but can be anyone he wants to be.
My fourth(and littlest) is 3. Kassy loves being the "baby", although she doesn't want anyone outside the family to call her that. She enjoys her time with Dad...and mom too, and really doesn't like to share it. She dreams too, of becoming "big" some day. That big could mean severl different things, depending on the day. But it's fun to watch her dream anyway.
I, myself, have just begun the journey into adult education. I thought it was time for me to "do something", not that I have been sitting around on my duff for the past 8 years. I'm "doing" my school through a distance course. In 3 years I will have a Bachelor's in the Arts of Social Sciences with a concentration in elementary education. That means for me, a teaching degree, with the background of human development.
What do I plan on using this for you ask? Well, its a big dream, but it's my dream. I would like to open an after-during school program in my area. I'm working on opening a daycare right now. With this program in place, our community will finally have a place for home/public/private-schoolers to get together. Our homeschooling parents that have to work will have a daycare that meets their needs. Our public and private schoolers will have an after school program that meets their needs. In the end, my goal is to provide an environment for these kids to be able to form friendships and networks, that otherwise would not be possible.
So that's who we are, and where we're coming from at this point in our journey. Thank you for taking the time to find out. Check back periodically for updates on the kids, or my own goals and milestones along the way.


  1. Hi Stefany, it's Stephanie from CCU.

  1. Thanks for stopping by.

  1. Hello my daughter.
    There are many things (most of them, actually!) that you do that make me honored to be your mother. This is another one. And this is a good time to let the world know I love you. And am blessed by our heavenly Father to have you for my daughter.
    Love and prayers,

  1. Thanks mom :)

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