My mom is the most incredible resource scout I've ever known. Every once in a while she'll be in a curious mood and go searching for new places for my kids and I to explore. A couple weeks ago she found the Discount School Supply store. And now I will be forever indebted to her!!! I spent hours "shopping" and ended up finding a bag full of treasures.
I know this sounds a bit like an advertisement, so don't take my word for it, check 'em out. If I did it right, the title of this post should take to the storefront. We found a few things that my kids have been having a blast with. One of their favorites is this building kit. Check 'em out:My fashionista had to impress us with her gown! She's now thinking of using these as a frame to design some dresses.
The hot air balloon never left the ground, but the kids excitment was sure soaring:)
It took the whole crew to build this house, but I finally got 'em all caged!!! lol
Keep up the scouting!! I'll be adding a valuable resource link list in the near future so if you have any to share, please email them to me so we can share them!!
April 20, 2009 at 2:47 AM
Hey sis, This is pretty awesome! You know I have suggestions. We'll talk about it. Cool pics! I want them!